Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspirational Things

I am who I am today because of a lot of things and a lot of people. I've met a lot of people (I've moved a lot) and each of them has contributed to who I am today.

When I lived in New York, I had barely lived. I was three months old living in an apartment I do not remember and surrounded by friends of my parents that I have yet to meet in my modern era of living. But I always had my parents. My dad is very success-driven and goal-oriented, something I like to think he passed down to me. But he often gets frustrated when life doesn't go his way (which, surprise, it often doesn't), but he is without a doubt the smartest person I have ever met. We go out to lunch sometimes on days where he's not too busy and it's my favorite thing ever. If my dad is the smartest person ever then my mom is definitely the kindest: she works at a hospital and often makes me go into work with her on the weekends just to check on her patients when she's off-duty ("don't tell your dad!"). She is my best friend and someone I can tell anything to, whether it's about school or swim or annoying friends.

When I lived in San Diego, I met a group of people that I thought were my friends. And in some ways they were: we had a lot of fun and were always really loud. They always said "we are the closest best friends in the history of the world!" and for awhile I thought we were. But they taught me to fit in and be average and to be rude to people with different values, and when I left I was a person I did not want to be.

Now I live here (for the second time) and I met a group of people who have made me a person I am at least a little bit proud of. I am a devoted friend who will do anything for the people that she cares about, because the people I have met have showed me that they would do the same for me. Everywhere I go I meet new people who mold me into a fuller sculpture. I hope that I will keep growing with every new place I visit.

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